These are some objects I made in my 3DMax class. I thought the tutorial was easy to follow and everything worked out well for me.
This is a simple lego brick, we used the Boolean command to remove the bottom inner piece of the brick and also to attach the protruding cylinders to the main object.
This is a wine glass which we created by doing half a line drawing of the glass and then by using the lathe modifier we turned it into a full 3D model.
This is another glass I made with a hollow section in the centre instead of a solid model. I just included the inside of the glass in the line drawing for this one.
These are a pair of lego man's legs, we created these using a line drawing also and then used the Extrude modifier to make it into a 3D model. We also used the Bezier Corner and Smooth commands to turn the sharp edges into curves. This method was also used to make the shape of the wine glass more rounded.