Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chocolate legoman!

My last attempt at making a chocolate legoman didn't turn out too well, a large factor was that it contained alot of seperate shapes. However my second attempt is alot better and I am happy with it. This is low poly modelling and it is all one shape. I started with a cylinder shape for the top of the head and extruded and beveled out the rest of the body from underneath this.

As you can see the tummy part looked quite rippled and uneven here so I spread out the rings that made up the torso, which resulted in a smoother finish as showing below.

I wanted him to have a rounded tummy as it made him look friendlier. He is very rounded in general.

I then began adding simple details such as facial features and buttons running along his torso. I done this using protruding shapes firstly but felt it didn't look as good as it could.

I then used the Boolean method to carve some shapes into his face which I think looks better as it gave him darker features. I left the nose protruding as it made him look cute and once again friendly. I used the tube shape to make the buttons and used the mesh smooth modifier on them to make them more rounded also. I like to think these would be white chocolate buttons in reality :)

I then continuously rotated and pulled the arms down to make them sit by his side. So this is my final chocolate lego man,looks good enough to eat :D

Front view

Side view

Back view

Lego heroes with clip on hair

This is my first attempt at adding hair to my lego heroes, in reality the hair would be plastic and clip onto the lego figure's head. I couldn't remember how to use the bump material so I just used the maps to add an image of hair to a hemisphere on top of the legoman's head and then manipulated it to look like hair. It obviously needs some more work.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Animation in 3Dmax

This was a simple piece of animation we done in 3Dmax class. Firstly we created a box and then duplicated it 3 times. We then snapped all the boxes together and added in dummy boxes between each one to create a hinge.

We then clicked autokey to start animating,we rotated the first dummy 90 degrees which in turn rotates the first box.

Then we moved onto the second dummy and created new autokeys for it. We rotated it 90 degrees also.

We then done the same for the third dummy.

The boxes have completed a cube now and to rotate the whole cube over once more we have to select the last box and rotate it 90 degrees. This controls the whole cube.

We then added in another 2 boxes either side of the first one. We added in 2 other dummy hinges also.

We linked the boxes to rotate inwards to close off the cube at the end of the animation.

This is when the cube finally closes up at the end.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Chocolate Legoman

I tried to make a chocolate legoman following the idea of designing them for easter time. The actual miniature hero figure would be found inside the chocolate man. For the advert to promote this product a giant chocolate legoman could be shown and then for the chocolate to crumble around him leaving a little hero figure in the middle. I took my own drawing of the choc man into 3Dmax and placed it on a plane, then tried to model the man around the image. I found this extremely difficult to get it the way I wanted it to, but this is my best attempt so far.

Side view, the objects I was creating could be seen from the back and front of the plane.

After extruding the arms I used the 'mesh smooth' modifier on the whole turso and the arms turned really weird in shape, I had to pull them out here and there to get it looking normalish..

I was trying to think as if I was actually making this in chocolate and how it would probably be wise to use basic enough shapes for body parts and yet still be able to tell what they were.
This was the drawing I was working from. Here my choc man was turning out quite good but still not chocolaty enough looking. I began to extrude the eyes and mouth here.

I ended up pulling different vertex of the turso down over the legs to take away the detail and make it look more like one complete shape. This was an image taken from a low angle to show how he could look quite large in an advert.

This was my final result, I think it looks like chocolate but there is definately improvements to be made. With some more practise I think I could find better techniques to make this in half the time and to make it look right.

Miniature Lego Heroes

This is Mrs.Twirl, my first attempt at making one of my miniature lego heroes. I made the images in Photoshop and then saved them in my materials library for 3Dmax. Then I brought them in using a map and placed them on the lego man. I haven't figured out how to do the hair or cape yet as its quite tricky for a beginner. Also these weren't the exact colours I wanted but they came into 3Dmax totally different to what they were in Photoshop.

Side View (Twirl bar)

Mr.Time (Time-Out)

Side View

Mr.Twister (Creme egg twister bar)

Side View
Mr.Fudge (Fudge bar)

Side View

Mrs.Nut (Dairymilk Wholenut)

Side View

Mrs.Dark (Bournville)

Side View

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lego Man

I have now completed the hands on my lego man so this is the final result.

Front view

Side view

Friday, April 1, 2011

This is my business card that I created in 3D Max using a box with the dimensions 80 x 50 x 0.1 mm. I made the graphics for the card in Photoshop and saved them in my materials library. Front, back and the edge of the card. I then placed the image onto my card using maps in 3DMax.

Front view

Back view

3D view

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3D Max

Eventually I have completed my Lego man in 3D Max, I was worried about starting it as I didn't know where to start?! Then I just sat down and started working my way down from the top. The more I worked on it, the more I become comfortable with it and didn't want to stop working on it. It took me a few hours but I am very happy with the outcome. I am going to begin working on the hands soon. :-)

Front profile.

Side profile.

This is the packaging I made for an Easter Egg. Working with maps seemed very confusing but not so hard when you try it out a few times. This image was made in Photoshop and then saved as a material and taken in as a map in 3D Max. I got lost when it came to the opacity and trying to cut out the inner oval shape.

This is an example of working with lights, creating simple objects then introducing a light and seeing how the shades and shadows can differ when the light changes direction or intensity.

This is my Lego arm, made using a simple cube and introducing the mesh smooth modifier, doing a few extrusions and beveling and also some rotation to show where the elbow joint is located.